Monday, May 21, 2007

Spring Photo Shoot Fun in Boise, ID

i just returned from Boise, ID for some photo shoots.... here are some of my favs! A&A I love you guys, thanks for keeping me grounded! You always have a way of bringing the child out in me :)

These quotes sum up the trip:
Live Nutty. Just occasionally. Just once in a while. and see what happens. It brightens up the day- Leo Buscalia

Laughter is the best medicine in the world-Milton Berie
Laughter is an instant vacation- Milton Berle

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Celebrate Life

K- this was just the nicest thing to hear, and just made my day! This story is WHY i LOVE what I do!

"Thanks for the photos, they are really cute and some pretty funny! They made my husband cry (me too, but that is easier than my husband)."

K- this story touched my heart!

"When I met my husband, he told me, we are not having kids, I don’t like them, so we went about life collecting dogs to satisfy any parental notions we had but with something that could use a dog door.
We were happily married DINKS (double income no kids) when My husband was diagnosed with NonHodgkins Lymphoma and was in Stage 3, he had one of the most aggressive forms, if you didn’t respond to treatment it would certainly kill you.
But somehow he kicked it before it could kill him.
All of a sudden he looked me in the eye and said I want to have kids. It would be nearly impossible for us to conceive naturally and very slim with any intervention due to his recent cancer and also prior cancer.
We went to a fertility specialist, tried, failed. Oh well, it’s the only the first attempt right?
We went again, tried, failed, this time it felt personal and I cried.
Third time, this was it, our last hoorah, it probably wouldn’t work anyway our chances were slim to none and we were running out of money to keep trying. We went again, tried and this time it felt very personal and my husband cried…we were pregnant with two!
When the girls were borned, my husband was such a proud father, he escorted them from the delivery room to the nursery where he got a call while holding his new daughters.
It was his mom’s doctor, she has Leukemia and she does not have long to live.
10 days later his mom passed away and all that could comfort him was the warmth of his babies.
His mom lived long enough to see her baby have babies which was the miracle she had been praying for, for so long.
Sometimes life has a way of righting the wrongs and coming full circle, we may not understand it at first but there is always a purpose for everything that happens.
Isn't this so true, "Sometimes life has a way of righting the wrongs and coming full circle, we may not understand it at first but there is always a purpose for everything that happens"