Monday, September 24, 2007


Jennie Carter said...

Those pictures are absolutely adorable!! I totally want to do a session with Laney so bad! I have been a little out of it lately, with being sick and all, but I will give you a call soon so we can set something up, if you are still doing it. Anyway, it has been way to long since I've talked to you so we need to get together and do lunch or something sometime. I'll get in touch with you soon! Hope things are going well!

Anonymous said...

Wow, your pictures are beautiful! Are you the photographer?

I found your blog when I did a blog search for Spasmodic Dysphonia. I have the Adductor type of SD and I'm always on the lookout for other bloggers with it. I only saw the one post on it and I wondered how you're doing and if you made the decision to have botox? Feel free to visit me at my blog anytime....