Friday, March 23, 2007

When you're with a friend, your heart has come home. - Emily Farrar

The best thing to hold on to in life is each other. - Audrey Hepburn

People who love us for what we are, not for what we have done, are precious support when we're trying to do and be more- Peter McWilliams

The most useless day is that in which we have not laughed. - Charles Field

Shared laughter creates a bond of friendship. When people laugh together, they cease to be young and old, teacher and pupils,worker and boss. They become a single group of human beings. -W. Lee Grant

ONE more ...

The place to be happy is here and the time to be happy is now. In a very real way, we are the authors of our own lives. We do not remember days, we remember moments. Life is the journey-live your life on pupose- Be Happy Dan Zadra

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