Monday, July 23, 2007

Washington DC

I will be in Washington DC, Virginia area until the 31. I will return all emails and calls then. Thank you for your patience.


Swirls of Happy said...

Jenny, I don't know if you remember me, but my name is Brittany and I have a twin sister named Brooke (her husband is Bo Brown). Anyway, we were supposed to move next to you in the Standard Pacific houses. I wanted to connect with you, because my baby is almost 4 months old now and I want to possibly get pictures done. Let me know when you get back, and maybe we can coordinate something. Thanks!

Jenny Preece Schomaker said...


Yes, I remember you and your sister, you guys are adorable! Congrats on your new little one! I would love to set something up. Either call me at 480.279.4588 or email me directly at or

Can't wait to see your new little one! So, did you end up moving in at Stanard Pacific? I know Bo backed out, did you guys too? Jenny